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 Department of Computer Science and Engineering was established along with the inception of the institution in 2008. And the Post Graduate course was approved in the year of 2012. At presently the department has more than 200 students and 20 faculty members. With the Motto of “Empowering the Engineering Community”, the department is striving hard to produce the exceptional engineering society.

  The department provides an outstanding learning environment with the aid of qualified and dedicated faculties. The Department has 3 Doctorates and 4 Faculty members pursuing their Ph.D. in the field Computer Science and Engineering. The department has 20 experienced faculty members among them 3 are professors, 6 are Associate Professors and 11 Assistant Professors. The department is fully equipped with all hardware and software to cater the academic needs .Every year the department conducts minimum eight activities which consists of seminars, workshops, conferences and value added programmes for faculties as well as students.

Department Highlights

Teaching is the real strength of the department, supported by well qualified and experienced faculty members.

Faculty members are actively involved in research in their area of Specialization.

State-of-the-Art computing facilities provided to the students’ community

Students are continuously assessed by Cyclic Internal Assessment test, Unit test and model examinations.

Guiding and motivating the students to excel in Competitive exams, Placement and higher studies regularly.

Organizing series of lectures in the field of Computer and Information Technology with academicians, alumnus and professionals of the highest repute as resource person.

Facilities like unlimited access to the internet, latest software and online help make it an ideal place for project development.

Active industry-institute collaboration is promoted by identifying areas of interest and taking part in sponsored research projects and consultancy services.

Taking special care for slow learners by special coaching.

Usage of latest Teaching aids like LCD projectors and E-Learning helps the students visualize the concepts clearly in an easily and understandable manner.

Motivating the students to know the latest trends through Implant Training and Industrial visits.



To become a well-known department of Computer Science and Engineering producing competent professionals with research and innovation skills, inculcating moral values and societal concerns.


M1 : To educate students to become highly qualified computer engineers with full commitments to professional ethics.

M2 : To inculcate a mind of innovative research in the field of computer science and related interdisciplinary areas to provide advanced professional service to the society.

M3 : To prepare students with industry ready knowledge base as well as entrepreneurial skills by introducing duly required industry oriented educational program.

The Program Educational Objectives of the Computer Science & Engineering are:

PEO1: Graduates with basic and advanced knowledge in science, mathematics, computer science and allied engineering, capable of analyzing, design and development of solutions for real life problems.

PEO2: Graduates who serve the Industry, consulting, government organizations, or who pursue higher education or research.

PEO3: Graduates with qualities of professional leadership, communication skills, team work, ethical values and ifelong learning abilities.

The following are the program outcomes of Engineering Graduates:

PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

PO3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

PO9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and rCSEive clear instructions.

PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

The following are the Program Specific Outcomes of Engineering Graduate:

PSO1: Mobile Apps: Ability to design, develop and deploy mobile applications in Windows/ Google / Mac Apps Stores.

PSO2: Architecture of Computer System: Ability to visualize and articulate computer hardware and software systems for various complex applications.

PSO3: Problem Solving Skills: The ability to apply standard practices and strategies in software project development using open-ended environment to deliver a quality product for business success.



HOD - CSE Dept.

  On behalf of our CSE Family I welcome you to the department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at SISTK. The academic objectives of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering are to provide outstanding education and research programs that promote a philosophy of learning that develops a diverse computer science and engineering student body that can be prepared for their specific profession, for advanced studies and careers in research, or for multidisciplinary knowledge.

  The Department offers a broad undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum, based on theoretical foundations of computer science and engineering, practical applications and designing and implementation of the products and software.

  CSE also promotes active industry - institute collaboration by identifying area of interest and taking part in sponsored research projects and consultancy services.The department is equipped with the state of the art laboratories with high end system configuration with internet connectivity, library, and spacious class rooms with visual aids.

Board of Studies Members (CSE)


 Academic calendar 2018 - 2019


A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning


Name Designation Date Of Joining Specialization





The objective of this lab are to make the student to learn programming languages such as C++&JAVA. Students get trained in IBM Rational Rose for Object Oriented Analysis and Design(OOAD). Students are also trained in Design Patterns with IBM Rational Rose to solve design problems of the software development.



The objective of this lab is to train the students on PC Hardware, Internet and Productivity tools including Word, Excel, Power Point and Publisher. PC Hardware introduces the students to a personal computer and its basic peripherals, installation of system software like MS Windows, Linux and the required device drivers.



The objective of this lab is to provide training to students in implementations of Compiler Design & Operating system concepts. This lab also facilitates the students to get trained in Unix Operating system, Shell programming and Networking concepts.



The objective of this lab is to provide a strong formal foundation in database concepts and practice with the technologies Oracle and MYSQL.



The objective of this lab is to train students with JSP, Java Script, and JDBC. In this lab, students can design and implement various Web Applications.



The Objective of this lab is to facilitate the students with J2ME and Android. In this lab, students can design and implement various Mobile Applications.



In this lab students will be trained on Data Structures and Advanced Data structures.

S.No. MOU's Purpose
1. Microsoft Innovation Center Hackathon, Students Chapter, App Development, Microsoft Edvantage
2. IBM Center of Excellence Mobility, Big Data & Cloud Computing
3. Skill Development Center

Mobile & Web Applications, Webinars,

Faculty Improvement Program,

Skill Improvement Programs,

Placement Improvement Programs

4. Siemens T-SDI

Design CBT Lab

Electrical Lab

Electronics Lab

Auto Lab - 2 & 4 Wheeler

5. Siddharth International Incubation Center



Seed Funding

Growth Funding

6. Intel Center of Excellence Adruino & Raspberry PI Programming on IOT
7. University of Massacchusets, Lowels, USA Students Exchange program
8. Oracle WDP The Company aims to excel the students in cutting edge technologies like Cloud Learning Subscriptions, IOT … through Java, Oracle, Node JS
9. DynEd A Professional Company to make the students in improving their Communications Skills so as to make Effective and Impressive Conversations
10. Hicor Technologies A Company which emphasizes on Mentoring the Students based on their Interest and to excel in their Domains
11. DND Global Technology & Solutions This Company is very keen in providing Industry – Academic Collaborations for the ultimate benefit of students.
12. Software Solutions Company that will be launched in SIDDHARTH CAMPUS very soon for providing Technical Software Solutions.
13. International Innovative Centre of Excellence Bhaasket Corp. USA Company that will be launched in SIDDHARTH CAMPUS very soon for providing Financial Services such as Quick Books…
14. Consortium of Construction Companies A group of Companies that inculcates the novel and innovative ways of training and mentoring the students to know, learn and practice the Construction methods
15. RLT Instrumentation Pvt. Ltd This Company provides internships and placements through collaborative and practical Training using TOT, Students Workshops.
16 EduIndia A Malaysian Company which organizes Student -Faculty Exchange programs through Training, Internships, and Placements it also organizes skill development programs.
17. Jackson Hewitt Kanwal Kensra This Company provides internships and placements through collaborative and practical Training using TOT, Students Workshops
18. I Global University of Northern Virginia MOU with I Global University of Nothern Virginia to establish SIDDHARTH CAMPUS in USA.
19. University of SOUTH FLORIDA

Students Exchange Program

Faculty Exchange Program

Joint Degree program




20. Trinity University of TAMPA

Students Exchange Program

Faculty Exchange Program

Joint Degree program




21. University of FLORIDA

Students Exchange Program

Faculty Exchange Program

Joint Degree program




22. FLORIDA A&M MOU with Florida A & M , for Agricultural and Mechanical Engineering Expertise through Trainings, Internships and Placements.
23. Atlantis University of MIAMI

Students Exchange Program

Faculty Exchange Program

Joint Degree program




24 University of MIAMI

Students Exchange Program

Faculty Exchange Program

Joint Degree program




25 ICT Academy ICT Academy is an initiative of the government of India in collaboration with the state Governments and Industries. ICT Academy is a not-for-profit society, the first of its kind pioneer venture under the Public-Private Partnership model that endeavors to train the higher education teachers and students thereby exercises on developing the next generation teachers and industry ready students.
26. JISNU SOLAR PVT. LTD Jisnu is a leading Solar Power company, through this collaboration Siddharth Group is commissioning 500 KVA Solar power plant in the campus.
27. RAMBO Health Care A Natural Way of diagnosing and healing various health disorders by using Diet Plans for students and parents.
28. BSNL RTTC- Mysore MoU with BSNL RTTC to offer telecom and IT solutions for big businesses to meet the demand for IT and cloud services.


Dr. G Nagalakshmi

  Dr. G Nagalakshmi has published paper titled “Protechting Big Data Environment from Security Attacks”, IJMTE, Vol 8. Issue VI. June – 2018.
  Dr. G Nagalakshmi has published paper titled “A Comparative study of Indian Prawn Species”, in IJITER, Spl.Issue, 2017.
 Dr. G Nagalakshmi has published paper titled “An Automatic & Systematic approach for testing and debugging networks and reads router configurations”, in IJSETR, Vol6, Issue 25, July 2017.
  Ms. G Nagalakshmi has published paper titled “A Self Executing Study Of Arranging Scribble For Security Principle”, in IJSRCSEIT, Journal no 64718.
  Ms. G Nagalakshmi has published paper titled “P2P File Access Availability in Mobile Adhoc Networks”, in IJCSME, Volume-4-Issue-3-March-2017.
  Ms. G Nagalakshmi has published paper titled “Video Traffic Distortion Reduction Framework in Wireless Networks”, IJCSME, Volume-4-Issue-3-March-2017.
  Ms. G Nagalakshmi has published paper titled “Efficient Architecture Cloud Computing Confidentiality”, in IJRSCSE, Volume 3, Issue 3, 2016.
 Ms. G Nagalakshmi has published paper titled “A new Frame Work for Boundary Detection using Double-Opponency and Spatial Sparseness Contraint”, in IJATIR,Vol.08, Issue.23, DCSEmber – 2016.
  Ms. G Nagalakshmi has published paper titled “Prawn Classification Based on Pattern Matching Using DWT”, in IJCSME, Volume. 3, Issue.5 2016.
  Ms. G Nagalakshmi has published paper titled “Green Manipulating computation in Conveyed Registering for Time Change”, in IIJTECH, Vol.04,Issue.07,JUNE – 2016.
  Ms. G Nagalakshmi has published paper titled “Prawn Recognition on Fuzzy Based Feature Vectors with Image Segmentation”, in IJARCSSE, Volume 6, Issue 5, May 2016.
 Ms. G Nagalakshmi has published paper titled “Medical Image Classification using Genetic Algorithm”, in IJCSME- SCSMB, 16-March-2016.
  Ms. G Nagalakshmi has published paper titled “Bug Tracking and Reporting System (BTRS) For Software Quality Assurance and Maintenance”, in IJIRCCE, Vol. 3, Issue 9, September 2015.
  Ms. G Nagalakshmi has published paper titled “Edge Detectin for Image Segmenation”, in IJCSME, Volume 1, Issue 6, DCSEmber- 2014.
  Ms. G Nagalakshmi has published paper titled “Hyperspectral Image Classificationusing SVM”, in IJECS, Volume - 3 Issue -9 September, 2014.
  Ms. G Nagalakshmi has published paper titled “Protected Data Distribution for Multiple Owners in Dynamic Groups of Public Clouds”, in IJCST, Volume 2 Issue 4, Jul-Aug 2014.
  Ms. G Nagalakshmi has published paper titled “An Land Cover Fuzzy Logic Classificatin by Maximum likelihood”, in IJCTT, volume 13 number 2 – Jul 2014.
  Ms. G Nagalakshmi has published paper titled “Remote Sensing System Classification using Hyperspectral Image”, in IJERT, Vol. 3 Issue 6, June- 2014.
  Ms. G Nagalakshmi has published paper titled “A Study on Hyperspectral Remote sensing Classification”, in ICA, 0975 – 8887, 2014.
  Ms. G Nagalakshmi has published paper titled “White spot Syndrome Virus Detection in Shrimp Images using Image Segmentation Techniques”, in IJARCSSE, Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2013.
  Ms. G Nagalakshmi has published paper titled “A Survey on Pattern Recognition using Fuzzy Clustering Approaches”, in IRJES, Volume 2, Issue 5(May 2013).
  Ms. G Nagalakshmi has published paper titled “EMT: a novel Efficient Traceback Method for DDoS Attacks”, in IJCSMR, Vol 1 Issue 3 October 2012.

V Gopi

  Mr. V Gopi has published a paper on “A Survey Paper on Applications of Soft Computing Techniques in Agricuture” in IJARCSSE” Vol. 08. Issue 04, April 2018 ISSN:2277-128X
 Mr. V Gopi has published paper titled “Improved organic process algorithmic Rule style for the project programming drawback based on Runtime”, in IJCSME, Volume 02, Issue 7,July 2015
  Mr. V Gopi has published paper titled “An Extempore protocol for Secured Wireless MANET Creation”, in IJSETR, Volume.03, Issue.40, November 2014.

E Murali

  Mr. E Murali has published a paper on “A Hybrid Approach to the Classification Brain Tumors from MRI Images using Fast Bounding Box Algorithm” in IJSSST Vol. 19. Issue 04, Augut 2018 ISSN:1473-804X.
  Mr. E Murali has published a paper on “A Survey Paper on Applications of Soft Computing Techniques in Agricuture” in IJARCSSE” Vol. 08. Issue 04, April 2018 ISSN:2277-128X.
  Mr. E Murali has published paper titled “A Phenomenological survey on various types of brain diseases using soft computing techniques”, in IJCIET, Volume8, Issue 9, Sep2017.
  Mr. E Murali has published paper titled “Study on various machine learning algorithms for brain tumor detection”, in IJPAM, Vol117, Issue8, 2017.
  Mr. E Murali has published paper titled “An Automatic & Systematic approach for testing and debugging networks and reads router configurations”, in IJSETR, Vol6, Issue 25, July 2017.
  Mr. E Murali has Published a paper on “An Efficient Segment for Color Images using Fast Gradient Based Mumford-Shah Technique” in IJSETR Vol. 5. Issue 42, November 2016. ISSN:2319-8885.
  Mr. E Murali has published paper titled “Aspect-Oriented Context Modeling for Goal Driven Approach”, in IJCSME, Vol2, Issue7, July 2015.
  Mr. E Murali has published paper titled “Determine and checking authentication of adjacent nodes in mobile ad hoc networks”, IJETT, Vol14, Issue 4, Aug 2014.
  Mr. E Murali has published paper titled “Discover and verifying authentication of nearest nodes in mobile ad hoc networks”, IJECS, Vol3, Issue 7, July 2014.

M Doorvasulu Naidu

  Mr M Doorvasulu Naidu has published paper titled “Systematic forecast of tough keywords enquiries above databases”, IJETED, Vol 4, Issue 5, Jun 2015.
  Mr M Doorvasulu Naidu has published paper titled “Precision Forced Confidentiality Protecting Entry Control Implementation for Relational Data”, IJETED, Vol 4, Issue 5, Jun 2015.
  Mr M Doorvasulu Naidu has published paper titled “Feature subset selection algorithm for elevated dimensional data by using fast cluster”, IJECS, Vol3, Issue 2, Jul 2014.

R Priyadarshini

  Ms. R Priyadarshini has published paper titled “Cloud – IAAS security threats and its possible mitigations”, in IJET, Vol 7, No 1.7 Feb (2018).
  Ms. R Priyadarshini has published paper titled “Secure Data Approach Authorization by using Anony Control-F ABE in the Cloud”, IJSETR, Volume5, 2016.
  Ms. R Priyadarshini has published paper titled “A New Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing Using HLA Technique For Securing Cloud Data”, IJLEMR, SPECIAL ISSUE 2016.

P Babitha

  Ms. P Babitha has published paper titled “Security Deduction and Key Recovery Attacks”, IJETT, Vol 42, Issue 2, Dec 2016.
  Ms. P Babitha has published paper titled “Confidential Multi Party Computation With Anonymous ID Assignment Using Central Authority”, IOSR, Vol 4, Issue 9, Sep 2014.

G Ravikumar

  G Ravikumar has published paper titled “FOG: A Novel Approach For Adapting IOT/IOE in Cloud Environment”, IJETT, Vol 42,Issue 4, Dec 2016.
  G Ravikumar has published paper titled “A New Way of Communication in Data-Intensive Wireless Sensor”, IASRET, Vol 2, Issue 11, Nov 2014.
  G Ravikumar has published paper titled “Use of Mobile Communication in Data-Intensive Wireless Networks”, IOSR, Vol 4, Issue 9, Sep 2014.

M Amudha

  Ms M Amudha has published paper titled “A New Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing Using HLA Technique For Securing Cloud Data”, IJLEMR, SPECIAL ISSUE 2016.

K Vasantharaj

  Mr K Vasantharaj has published paper titled “Protechting Big Data Environment from Security Attacks”, IJMTE, Vol 8. Issue VI. June – 2018.
  Mr K Vasantharaj has published paper titled “A Fast Clustering Feature based on Subselection Algorithm”, IJCSEC, ISSN No 2347-8586 Vol – IV, Issue – 2 (2017) .
 Mr K Vasantharaj has published paper titled “Effective Implementation of Using Big Data in E-Health Insurance”, IJET, Vol – 1, Issue – 3, May/June - 2015-09-27

P Balaji

  Mr P Balaji has published paper titled “A New Service Finding Loom On DCSEntralized Peer-To-Peer Network”, in IJARCSMS, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2014.
  Mr P Balaji has published paper titled “Green Manipulate Computation in Conveyed Registering for Time Change”, in IJITECH, Vol.04, Issue.11, ISSN 2321-8665, June -2016.
  Mr P Balaji has published paper titled “Data Recovery Configurations of Refactorable Detected Clones”, in IJITECH, Vol.05, Issue.09, ISSN 2321-8665, Sep -2017.

S Jyoshna

  S Jyoshna has published paper titled “An Enhanced WSD Approach for Improving Terminological Issues in Process Models”, . i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 11(1), 21-27.


Achievements and Innovations of Teachers

 Dr G Nagalakshmi rCSEived a teaching and research excellence Award from IRDP in the year 2018.

 Dr G Nagalakshmi rCSEived a teaching , publication ,and research excellence Award from IRDP in the year 2018.

 Dr G Nagalakshmi rCSEived a best paper Award from IJCRSME in the year 2014.

 Dr G Nagalakshmi Published international patent on “Automatic Recognition of Indian Prawn Species” with Publication number : wO/2017/221259, Published date : 28.12.2017

 M Doorvasulu Naidu acted as a Faculty Sponsor for University Innovation Fellows Spring- 2018 ,which was held at Standford University,USA.

 M Doorvasulu Naidu acted as a Faculty Mentor for Smart India Hackathon -2017 which is held at Manipal University.

 E Murali acted as a Faculty Mentor for Smart India Hackathon -2017 which is held at Manipal University.

 M Doorvasulu Niadu rCSEived Certificate of appreciation for Supporting University Innovation Fellows Program as Faculty Champion from APSSDC in the year 2018.

CSE News Letter

 2017- 18 newsletter



International Achievements-1

S. Asif Ali of IV Year B.Tech- 2015 Batch was selected to participate in GOOGLE I/O program held at Google Head Quarters, California, USA on May 2018 and was conferred with appreciation certificate. (Carries the credit of unique selection from AP & SISTK out of 3 from India competing International selection process).


International Achievements-2

S Asif Ali, A Divya, and V Lakshmi Prasanna were selected to participate for training under the “University Innovation Fellows (UIF) program, Spring- 2018” held in Standford University, USA on March 2018 and successfully became a UIF fellow.


National Achievements

6 Students Selected for Grand finale of World’s Biggest SMART INDIA HACKATHON-2017 organized by Govt. of INDIA at Manipal University, Mangalore on 1st& 2ndof April 2017.4 Students were selected for TCS-Code Vita competition held in 2016.


University Level Achievements

Students got first prize in group dance competition at University level “NSS Youth festival” in the alternate year of 2015 and 2017 organised by JNTUA, Ananthapuramu.

J Vinodkumar is selected as a Best Outgoing Student and overall Academic Topper in the year of 2018 at Institution level.

Participated in ROBOSARANG 2018 two day workshop, conducted by IIT Madras on March 2018.

2. 154E1A0502 S ASIF ALI

Selected for Next Phase of Android Developers Hub (of the World), Organized by APSSDC “Mobile Developers Day” on 25th, January, 2018 at SV College of Engineering, Tirupati in association with Google.

1. 154E1A0531 R Neelima Female [email protected] 7993817649
2. 154E1A0533 G Pavankumar Male [email protected] 9703001220
3. 154E1A0516 A Harish Male [email protected] 9491658006
4. 154E1A0528 Mohammad Khani Mohammad Asad Male [email protected] 8179331792

The proposed project “ CAR ACCIDENT AVOIDANCE” was shortlisted for Skill Development Cell, Orgainzed by AICTE-ECI Chhatra Vishwakarma Awards 2017

2. 154E1A0538 N Sai Thejasri
3. 154E1A0541 S Siraj Ahmed

G Pavan Kumar Participated in 5 days Workshop on “Creativity & Innovation 2016”, conducted by NCAT, New Delhi

G Pavan Kumar has scored All Over India Top 15th Rank and selected for third round in National Creativity Aptitude Test conducted by IISC Bangalore.

    R Neelima has scored Top 32nd Rank from All over India in National Creativity Aptitude Test conducted by IISC Bangalore.;